Wales Critical Forum is a monthly discussion group for artists who work with the moving image in Wales to talk about ideas and practice in a mutually supportive environment and in dialogue with LUX. The group is for artists who are no longer in full-time education and who are willing to make a commitment as a participant for the next 6 months. This is not a crit group, but rather an opportunity to think together about contemporary practice, to support each other in exploring new ideas and to build new connections.
The activities of the group will be determined by the interests of the participants and may consist of watching/discussing work, individual and collaborative presentation, discussion and experiential group work. The group meets once a month online over Zoom on the last Tuesday of the month from 7-8.30pm with the potential for occasional in-person meetings in the future.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 30th January 2024, to register sign up on Eventbrite here.
LUX Wales Critical Forum is part of a LUX initiative to explore and develop new support structures for artists’ moving image in Wales.