
Environmental Sustainability

Our planet is grappling with a web of environmental emergencies. From scorching droughts to destructive storms and floods, the consequences of rising global temperatures are already upon us. These crises are compounded by collapsing ecosystems, hazardous air pollution, and plastic choking our oceans and rivers. Without swift action from all corners of society, these issues will worsen rapidly.

The art world has a crucial role to play in this. Art institutions, especially those in developed nations, contribute heavily to environmental strain. Frequent international travel, shipping artworks around the globe, and high energy and material consumption all take a toll. We must take immediate steps to lessen this impact, aligning our practices with our ethics.

Our influence extends beyond reducing our own footprint. As cultural leaders with a public platform, we have the power to set a positive example. We can inspire and empower others to take action, sparking a necessary shift in public discourse.

Kinoki is built on a platform that is carbon-neutral and open source. We are proud to be aligned with Ghost, a nonprofit organization that powers modern publishing.

Kinoki gives a platform to and celebrates artists and curators, critically engages with the technologies they use, and strives to be a responsible leader in the contemporary art world. Fulfilling this mission requires urgent action on climate change. The climate crisis directly threatens art and culture globally, with marginalized communities and cultures facing the greatest risk.

Recognizing our environmental footprint, particularly from flights for exhibitions and festivals, as well as the energy consumption of our online platform, we are committed to tackling these impacts through:

  • Pledging to reduce our carbon emissions to 50% by 2030.
  • Regularly calculating the carbon footprint of our operations, to track progress towards this target.
  • Reducing staff flights to 50% by 2030.
  • Reducing our use of video conferencing and transitioning to voice conferencing, encouraging our partners to do the same where possible.
  • Ensuring all of our printed materials are reusable or recyclable as a step towards zero-waste operations.

We aim to take action in line with the principles of climate justice, recognising the connections between the environmental crisis and other global injustices. We want our environmental actions to support — rather than undermine or ignore — the needs of people on the frontlines of the many struggles for liberation.

Social Sustainability

Kinoki recognizes that free artistic expression thrives alongside and is contingent upon social justice. We are dedicated to empowering marginalized communities. We align ourselves with global antiwar efforts. We stand firmly in solidarity with those striving for a more just and peaceful world.

Our commitment extends beyond expressions of solidarity. We reject partnerships with individuals or organizations that profit from war or are invested in entities that profit from or perpetuate war and other forms of armed conflict. We prioritize equity and inclusion as core values. We believe that all institutions must be held accountable, particularly those that showcase and accrue cultural capital from the work of socially-engaged artists but fail to critically examine their own role in perpetuating inequities and injustices. We insist that institutions align their practices with the messages they choose to amplify.

We have set these principles and are taking these actions in the full knowledge that we are imperfect, because we are human. We have come a long way, but we still have a challenging path ahead of us and so much more to learn. We welcome feedback from artists, audiences and stakeholders regarding this statement on environmental and social sustainability. We offer a warm embrace to our allies, sincere love to our accomplices, and we extend our hand to those who may not agree with us but who are open to a civil dialogue that produces mutual recognition, understanding and care.