This is the first US museum survey for Atlas. The exhibition will present over 50 years of his pioneering moving image work.
The show nativemason at Sprüth Magers is Jafa's first solo exhibition in LA. It includes recent paintings, sculptures and moving images.
His solo exhibition consists of the newly-commissioned installation Growth, which functions as an interactive multimedia system.
Ismailova's exhibition at Pirelli HangarBicocca is her first institutional survey in Italy. The show includes films, sculptures, textiles and installations.
This is the artist's first solo exhibition. Her video installation focuses on the methods of using electricity to control and classify the human brain.
LeSeur will show the video installation Monument Eternal at Pioneer Works. This is the artist's first institutional solo exhibition in New York.
The show is part of Double Feature, a series of solo presentations running simultaneously at the JSF spaces in Berlin and Düsseldorf.
The exhibition at the pavilion will feature two video works by the Dutch artist duo Persijn Broersen and Margit Lukács.
The artist's video installation SECONDARY examines the violence surrounding American football. The exhibition is part of a tour of unique SECONDARY shows at the artist’s representing galleries.