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John Waters: Pope of Trash at the Academy Museum

Neil Young reviews a major exhibition dedicated to the long and controversial career of the iconoclast filmmaker. John Waters: Pope of Trash is on view at the Academy Museum in Los Angeles through August 4th, 2024.

Rhizome launches ArtBase Anthologies

This program series, in partnership with Museum of the Moving Image, showcases the history of born-digital art. The inaugural presentation includes a solo project by Auriea Harvey.

Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo gives solo exhibition to Ho Tzu Nyen

The Singaporean artist is showing six film installations. His work addresses the geopolitical complexities that make up Southeast Asia.

Apichatpong Weerasethakul premieres multi-channel installation at M+ Museum

The installation, titled Primitive, consists of a set of seven videos projected onto eight screens. This is the first time that the work is being shown in Hong Kong.

Videofreak installed in Museum of the Moving Image

The installation was created by Allen Riley and produced by Death By Audio Arcade. It combines the gameplay of a traditional arcade space shooter with the physical analog electronics of a video synthesizer.

NEW INC Incubator open for applications

The year-long program runs September - August, and is designed to support creative practitioners as they pursue a sustainable practice or bring a new business to life.

Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb celebrates legendary performance artist Tomislav Gotovac

Gotovac was a native of Zagreb who made influential work in multiple artistic disciplines. This retrospective exhibition is organized in conversation with French curator Pierre Bal-Blanc.

Rosa Barba curates film selection at Boijmans Van Beuningen

The show was part of International Film Festival Rotterdam. Barba premiered two of her performance installations, which are on display through March 2024.

Viktor Brim has his first solo museum exhibition at M HKA

The show is part of the museum's In Situ programme. Brim will present a newly-commissioned three-screen installation.

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