Transformation Digital Art 2024 is LI-MA's annual international symposium on the preservation of digital art. This year it takes place over two days, at two different locations: Day 1 on Thursday 21 March at Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam and Day 2 on Friday 22 March at LI-MA, Amsterdam. Register for tickets now (more details below).
Transformation Digital Art 2024 aims to show and discuss strategies for taking care of digital art for and by artists, archivists, curators, conservators and scholars. New technologies bring new transformations for thinking about art and creativity. They can redefine notions of authorship, performance and the construct of work. At the same time, new artistic practices in media art and changing technologies also challenge existing forms of preservation and documentation. This results in new ways of thinking about preservation and documentation towards community-based care, collaborative care and management of change. Finally, and perhaps most crucially, new technologies also create new possibilities to preserve media art.
Digital artworks depend not only on their constantly changing technological environment, but also on those who take care of their preservation. The care of digital media artworks should be widely recognised as a multi-disciplinary effort requiring the direct involvement of artists, curators, conservators, audiovisual and IT staff, registrars and all other museum staff. Yet, this joint responsibility demands ongoing cooperation, innovation and knowledge sharing. To that end, the conference serves as a platform to engage, discuss, critically reflect, learn, and connect.
The focus of this year's edition is on Legacies. It celebrates the legacy of renowned media artists that over the years have influenced the creative discourse by questioning conventions within and beyond their disciplines, and it brings them in critical dialogue with a younger generation.
Day 1 – Thursday 21 March
Nieuwe Instituut
Museumpark 25
3015 CB Rotterdam
Day 2 – Friday 22 March
Arie Biemondstraat 111
1054 PD Amsterdam
Tickets for the symposium are available here.
- Tickets for either Day 1 or Day 2 are €75 or €25 for students (incl. VAT) each.
- A passe-partout ticket for both days is €100.
- All tickets include lunch. Passe-partouts and tickets for Day 1 also include entry to the exhibition REBOOT. Pioneering Digital Art at Nieuwe Instituut.
- Please remember that each day of the event takes place in a different location, in a different city.
- More information on pricing of workshops to come.